Some rules for life by me:
If you never want to be disappointed by life's situations never expect anything. Simply hope for the best and plan for the worst, that way you will always be well prepared for anything as well. Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me and I'll understand. Age is not proportionate to maturity. Sometimes people are only wrong or thought crazy until they are proved right. Be openminded. Growing up and growing old are two different things. You are only as old as you feel, but you may seem as old as you act. Complacency kills hopes and dreams, growing up or does not. Nothing is everything. Not eveyone who needs to be saved deserves to be saved. Sometimes the people that help others are in need of or searching for help themselves. Read for fun. Time does not heal all, it just helps you to forget or realize truths that you could not see or didn't want to see in the first place. Test people in their friendship. Trust in your true friends. Sometimes people don't mean what they say and other don't say what they mean. Enjoy your victories but embrace and learn from your failures. If you truely enjoy your job you will never work another day in your life. There is a difference between dating and having a relationship, but they can both feel great or hurt very much. Road rage is contageous. Be courteous: let people pass if you go slow and don't cut people off if you go fast. Realize that not everyone you think you are not good enough for is always good enough for you. Live each day likes it's your last, but remember that if there is a tomorrow you will have to face the consequences. Realize that there are more than 5 senses and learn to trust the other ones. Accept compliments when they are honest. Love and accept love. Time moves on. Situations happen in time. Situations change people. People can only change themselves if they want to. Don't try to change others. Learn to let some things go and hold on to others. If you fall down get up. If you are too high watch your head. Duct tape can fix anything, except for a broken heart. Believe in something, even if it's only yourself. Have a hobby. Be spontaneous at times and plan at others. Realize that things you own are only things and do not make you, they don't come with you when you die anyways. Money can not buy true happiness, but it can sometimes open the door to it. Live moment to moment and not paycheck to paycheck. Know and love yourself. Learn that just because you are alive does not mean you are living. It is not always possible or necessary to follow every rule, but it is not always possible or necessary to bend or break them either. Think for yourself. If you don't know something or are curious, ask. Realize that being childish and a child at heart are not the same thing. Remember that no one is perfect, maybe close but not all the way. Picturing people in their underwear isn't always the best idea. Eat. Remember grades are not everything. The lowest graduate from med school is still a doctor. Sports are not everything. Drinking often causes more problems than it solves. You don't have to see some things for them to actually exist.
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