Thanks for linking to us in Advance!

Please select one of ready-made links to display on your site. Just copy and paste the entire html code in the textbox into your html document to link to us!.

Short Text Link

Jus' Jokin! - Jokes and Humor

HTML Code:
<*a href=""><*b>Jus' Jokin! - Jokes and Humor<*/b><*/a>


Long Text Link

Jus' Jokin!
Jus' Jokin! is a blog full of Jokes, Humor, Fun, Games, Laughter and More! This BLog Guarantees Laughter! You Will Get your hips aching due to Laughter! :P

HTML Code:
<*p><*a href="" target="_blank"><*b>Jus' Jokin!<*/b><*/a><*br>Jus' Jokin! is a blog full of Jokes, Humor, Fun, Games, Laughter and More! This BLog Guarantees Laughter! You Will Get your hips aching due to Laughter! :P<*/p>

Note: To Get the code working, You should first copy the code to the clipboard and then paste it to your HTML document or a website, etc and remove the * from each line. The Stars Have to be removed to get the code working!

Thank You!

Jus' Jokin!