Once upon time in a purple universe was a purple planet and on this purple plant was a purple land with purple houses were purple villagers lived and there was a purple hilltop, on this purple hilltop was a purple kingdom, in this purple kingdom, past the purple gates, up the purple path through the grand purple doors guarded by purple knight, sat a purple king in a purple throne room on a purple throne with his purple queen also sitting on a purple thrown.
One day the purple king throw a meeting for the people of purple in his purple meeting room in his purple palace. and he said to the purple people of purple
"Purple people of purple I propose that I will give the greatest reward ever in the history of this purple world to the purple person that makes me the nicest tastiest purple beer in the entire purple world I have ever tasted in my purple life"

So one purple villager takes it upon himself to make the nicest tastiest purple beer in the whole entire purple world, so leaves the purple meeting room through the purple doors past the purple gates down the purple cobbled path to his purple cottage down his purple stairs leading to his purple cellar where his purple beer making machine lives, and makes the nicest tastiest purple beer in the whole entire purple world and so leaves his purple house runs up the purple street to the purple kings purple palace throw the purple gates, past the purple doors to the purple throne room and presents the nicest tastiest purple beer in the whole entire purple world and the purple king takes a sip of the purple beer from the purple pint glass and goes "blurghhh!! Thats the most disgusting purple beer in the whoek entire purple world I've ever tasted on my whole purple life. Okay purple person I will give you one more chance to make the nicest tastiest purple beer in the whoel entire purple world ive ever tasted in my whole purple life."

So once again the purple person of this purple land left the purple palace down the purple street to his purple house down his purple stairs to his purple cellar where his purple beer machine lived and one again made the nicest tastiest purple beer ever in the entire purple world. and so he leaves his purple house runs up the purple street though the purple gates pas the purple guards that lead him to the purple king on his purple thrown in his purple thrown room in his purple palace. Th epurple person once again present the purple beer and the purple king sips the purple beer from the purple pint glass and goes...
"blurrrghh. Thats the most disgusting purple beer in the enitre purple world if ever tasted in my whole purple life, Thats it you purple person have direspected this purple kingdom and everything purple this purple land represtents! Purple guards take tjis purple person the purple dungeons!"

So the purple guards lead the purple person across the purple thron room, across the purple hall to a purple door that lead to purple stairs where purple degeons were and the purple guard took out a purple key put it in the purple lock, open the purple door, turned to the purple prisoner and told him...